Monday, October 10, 2011

Family photos, hair dye and a steam basket...

Tonight we got a sneak peek of the family photos that we had taken in September and we couldn't be happier!  I look at the pictures of this gorgeous little boy and have to pinch myself to think that he is ours!  He is perfect! Everything about him makes me happy--a happiness I couldn't even fathom before he arrived! We are the luckiest people alive.  Excited to share photos of this perfect being with our family and friends. (and to plaster our walls in his face!)

Aside from photos, we spent the day pretty typically, though JJ was home (working, but home) which made the day even better.  Lots of playing, singing, eating (avocado and I may or may not have had some Halloween candy that JJ tried to hide from me! haha), walking and just enjoying each other.  I also got our first steam basket from Target and made Keaton's next food in the Baby Magic Bullet tonight--pears. (Thanks to my friend Veronica for the bag of organic bartlett pears--you rock!) Anxious to see how the little man responds to pears tomorrow morning.

In Andrea news--planning on changing my hair color.  I need a change for, unless it bombs, then you will see the debut of the new color relatively soon.

That's it for tonight.  Tomorrow Keaton tries pear and his first doctor's appt. in Chicago.

Stay tuned for more from the Boswell-Burns clan.

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking at your pics of FB and I was thinking how beautiful your hair is. I am nervous to see it change bc it is so amazingly beautiful now.
