So, Keaton turned 7 months the other day and with that milestone came tooth number 3, the HARDEST one by far!! He is just generally fussier because of it and has even refused his bink and solid foods because of it (and he has bitten mommy twice--OWW!).
He also has expanded his list of solids, adding carrot (he hates) and butternut squash (I think that this might be his new favorite). We also have green beans, pumpkin, asparagus, peach and oatmeal to try--looking forward to seeing all of his reactions. We have been video recording him every time he tries something new, looking forward to that video montage.
Keaton also officially hates his carseat--I mean I can't take him ANYWHERE without him throwing a huge fit. JJ is getting ready to load his Nook Color with some Sesame Street videos, so I can give it a try....I'll let you know how it goes.
And last, but NEVER least, his sleep. Here is the latest...Keaton has definitely gotten into a NEW pattern (we may have helped a bit), but it is not the sleep from 7:30-7:00 with a little help now and again that it used to be. Now, Keaton sleeps from 7:30 (goes down with no problem), but then wakes up regularly around 11-12pm and needs help back to sleep and then wakes up again between 12-1pm and won't go back to sleep until we move him into our I am sure some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking that we have made a HUGE mistake, but I don't think so. One, I don't mind the idea of my son sleeping with us every night, especially if it means that we ALL get more sleep and two, he then will sleep until his morning feed at 4am. (don't know when we brought that feed back, funny how a new routine can happen and you not even notice the change!) Anyhow, for now, we are in a bit of a routine and I can handle it--just hoping that a full night's sleep is in the near future. I realized the other day that I have not had a full nights sleep since April 6, 2011. AHHHHHHH! Hoping that will change soon!
IN Andrea news: I am still couponing, I got 19 cent jello, 3 free greeting cards, 33 cent Vitamin Water, free Cornstarch and cheap detergent this week--thanks to my Walgreens and CVS couponing, and still planning on hitting up Target.
I have also started planning Christmas gifts for Keaton--so excited to celebrate the holidays with our little guy.
Well, that's it for now (and probably the week)...
Stay tuned for more from the Boswell-Burns clan...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Trying to catch up...
Wow--it's amazing how hard it gets to even keep up with my own blog sometimes! AHHH! So, here's a quick update on the Boswell-Burns clan...
1) Keaton had his first Halloween--he was an adorable blue alien/monster. We visited Chicagoween downtown and Navy Pier with family! It was a lot of fun. It's always soooo nice to have a house full of people. JJ and I ended up going as the Men in Black (as Keaton was an alien/monster). We got all dressed up on Saturday, to go to a local Halloween meetup, but the weather kept us at home, so we were all dressed up eating White Castle and playing Cranium! It was amazing.
2) Keaton's sleep has been an up and down thing lately--still no idea exactly what we should be doing to encourage good sleep, but REFUSE to do cry it out. I realize that it works wonders for some, but it is not my style and a lot of stress is not good for any of us.
3.) Keaton has officially made it through the list of "safe foods," without any crazy reactions. (Brown Rice cereal, avocado, banana, apple, squash, zucchini, sweet potato and peas) Now, we are getting ready to start oatmeal, asparagus, green beans, peach and many this part of his development! He amazes me all the time.
4.) Keaton is starting to understand so much...
* He can now turn the pages when we read--if I just hold the page up a bit, he will grab it and turn it...amazing.
* He can "kiss the baby" in the mirror
* He is moving himself from a seated to a crawling position (no crawling yet, but we are getting close).
He is so smart and I am proud of all of his accomplishments!
In Andrea news:
My couponing has become a bit of an obsession, admittedly so, and has gotten me some amazing deals.
My last grocery trip went from $134 to $74 after coupons.
I've also had some good Wal-Mart & Target online luck!
My CVS trips have included:
*12 Airwick 2 pack refills for a total of $10.50 out of pocket and I made $20 in gift cards...this was all thanks to my friend Callie.
*3 American Greetings Cards, 1 tube of Crest toothpaste, 2 Aveeno travel size lotions and Dawn Dish Soap--Out of pocket was $7 and I received $13 back in extra bucks. Not too shabby!
Planning on hitting up Target tonight for some Christmas gifts...hoping that couponing continues to make us money, especially during the holiday season.
Going to try and get back on track with this blogging thing.
1) Keaton had his first Halloween--he was an adorable blue alien/monster. We visited Chicagoween downtown and Navy Pier with family! It was a lot of fun. It's always soooo nice to have a house full of people. JJ and I ended up going as the Men in Black (as Keaton was an alien/monster). We got all dressed up on Saturday, to go to a local Halloween meetup, but the weather kept us at home, so we were all dressed up eating White Castle and playing Cranium! It was amazing.
2) Keaton's sleep has been an up and down thing lately--still no idea exactly what we should be doing to encourage good sleep, but REFUSE to do cry it out. I realize that it works wonders for some, but it is not my style and a lot of stress is not good for any of us.
3.) Keaton has officially made it through the list of "safe foods," without any crazy reactions. (Brown Rice cereal, avocado, banana, apple, squash, zucchini, sweet potato and peas) Now, we are getting ready to start oatmeal, asparagus, green beans, peach and many this part of his development! He amazes me all the time.
4.) Keaton is starting to understand so much...
* He can now turn the pages when we read--if I just hold the page up a bit, he will grab it and turn it...amazing.
* He can "kiss the baby" in the mirror
* He is moving himself from a seated to a crawling position (no crawling yet, but we are getting close).
He is so smart and I am proud of all of his accomplishments!
In Andrea news:
My couponing has become a bit of an obsession, admittedly so, and has gotten me some amazing deals.
My last grocery trip went from $134 to $74 after coupons.
I've also had some good Wal-Mart & Target online luck!
My CVS trips have included:
*12 Airwick 2 pack refills for a total of $10.50 out of pocket and I made $20 in gift cards...this was all thanks to my friend Callie.
*3 American Greetings Cards, 1 tube of Crest toothpaste, 2 Aveeno travel size lotions and Dawn Dish Soap--Out of pocket was $7 and I received $13 back in extra bucks. Not too shabby!
Planning on hitting up Target tonight for some Christmas gifts...hoping that couponing continues to make us money, especially during the holiday season.
Going to try and get back on track with this blogging thing.
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